Our "Super Seniors" (with Ms. Moran) and Alemany Community Receive Recognition From Providence Blood Donor Center



Ms. Carolyn Moran

Alemany High School


Dear Ms. Moran,


On behalf of the Providence Blood Donor Center, thank you so much for all your help and involvement with the blood drive.  We saw a total of 179 donors and collected a total of 114 pints of blood.  Up to 228 lives were saved for the patients at Providence Holy Cross Medical Center; your neighborhood trauma center.  


For all the students, parents and staff that donated blood or attempted to give we thank you so much!  Without all of you there wouldn’t have been a blood drive.


We look forward to the next blood drive on April 28th


We enjoy coming to your school and really love all of your spirit of giving!  You truly are a great group of live-savers!


Sandy Hibarger


Sandy Hibarger

Blood Donor Recruitment Coordinator

Providence Blood Donor Center

(818) 926-6245

[email protected]