Alemany Alumnae Publishes Children's Book

I am very proud of it.....
You can order it on 

I actually started drawing this character at age 6 and used to doodle it on my pee-chees at Alemany.

At our 10 year high school reunion a former classmate came up to me and said, "whatever happened to that dog you used to doodle on your pee-chee?" That meant more to me than her remembering me...

It is great for any children/grandchildren you may know.
It has a wonderful moral message and transcends race,creed and color.
It shows how differences can bring us together,not pull us apart.
So it is also helpful for any special needs children.
Feeling different because of a handicap can be very lonely.
We need more of this in the world we live in today. 

Thanks to all for your support of my " little book that could".