Bishop Alemany Technology Plan - Request for Parent Input

As partners with the faculty, administration, and staff here at Bishop Alemany, we would like your input about the use of Technology at our school.  The three areas are:

(1) communication with you as parents,

(2) the technology skills that your student will be exposed to through coursework,

(3) any expertise you have in your own careers.

Below are some general questions. Please feel free to e-mail responses to Madeleine Espinosa, Technology Teacher and Plan coordinator, at [email protected].  Please indicate in the subject line “Parent Technology Plan Input”.

Responses can be submitted until the end of May.


 A.         Are there additional ways that technology can be used to provide information to you?  For example, our web site has been expanded a great deal this year and is still evolving.

B.         Technology Courses and Curriculum.

a.      What Technology Courses are you looking for at the high school level?

b.      What skills do you want your student to have upon graduating from high school?

c.      Please indicate the grade your student is in now for this question: 

Did your student come to Alemany prepared for creating PowerPoint presentations, essays on word processors, and typing?  In which grade did they take (or will take) an Alemany computer class?

 C.         Technology input from your own work experience. 

a.      Please indicate the type of profession in which you are currently involved.

b.      Are there particular technology tools you have used that would be useful to us in providing a quality education for our students?

c.      Many of you may be in the teaching profession.  Are there particular technology tools such as digital visual presenters or electronic white boards that have been successful in your own classrooms?

d.      Many of you may have used curriculum software such as virtual science labs or writing software programs.  Please indicate the success of the program at your school.

D.         Please share any other ideas or comments concerning use of technology at Bishop Alemany.  The planning process is ongoing. 

We currently have two parents on the technology planning team.  Please let me know if you would like to be involved in the future.

Thank you for your time and contributions.

Madeleine Espinosa - Technology Coordinator

email: [email protected]