The Parent Association would like you to participate in eScrip.

We know everyone has to buy groceries—

So if you shop at VONS and Ralphs—We would like you to sign up your cards to help activities sponsored by Alemany Parent Association.  A portion of your total purchase every time you shop will be donated to Alemany.  By using your cards for every purchase you will automatically earn money for Alemany.  If you have already registered with the markets, please transfer or add Alemany to your registration.  You can identify up to 3 organizations, at the same time.

To add or change or sign up your Vons card go to and go to Vons and sign up Alemany to your card. You will need to enter your Club card number.  If you don’t have or know your card number please call 877-SAFEWAY and they will provide you with your number. Then either go to and register Alemany with your card or you can get a form from Lori with the Parent Association.

To sign up your Ralphs card go to, click on community contributions, then click on participants. You will need your Club card number to sign up. If you don’t know your number or use your phone number at the register, call 800-660-9003 to get your Club card number.  The Parent Association also has a bar code sheet you can get from Lori to take to Ralphs and scan with your number and it will register Alemany to your card.  See Lori for the form.

To see the list of other participating merchants please go to www.escrip.