School Plan for Monday, 08/21/23

Dear Alemany Families, 

After monitoring the storm path and the evolving forecasts for the Mission Hills area, we have chosen to continue with school as planned for Monday. Current information suggests that, while we will still have strong rain and winds this evening, by early Monday morning this will lighten and the result for our school day will be closer to a regular day of Southern California rain, possibly clear before school is released. That being said, please take care in your trip to school, allow extra time and be prudent if the forecast for the area where you live differs from that of the school. 

We will be understanding of the need for rain gear tomorrow, so shoes and outwear should support your needs for the weather.

Praying for the safety of all,

Dr. Rynerson
For reference, this letter from Superintendent Paul Escala will continue to be available.