Dear Alemany Families,
As you know, Southern California is experiencing a heat wave that is causing a significant strain on power grids. Loss of power for students and teachers is a possibility as our communities are subject to rolling blackouts and/or may experience grid failures. In the event of a rolling blackout or loss of electricity, the affected parties may possibly be disconnected from live instruction (a Zoom session, for example) or temporarily lose Wi-Fi access. Alemany understands that this situation is beyond your control and would like to offer some tips to minimize interruption:
- Keep your devices charged: If charging becomes unavailable, a full battery can go a long way!
- Utilize a mobile hotspot: If your mobile plan includes a mobile hotspot, connect your iPad/computer to it and try to rejoin the session using mobile data.
- Use your mobile device/data: iPhones offer very similar functionality to iPads. If Wi-Fi becomes unavailable, students can still join live instruction and complete/submit assignments using their phones using mobile data. Download the iOS Canvas app on your phone as an extra way to access course material.
- Communicate: Email your teacher to let them know that you were disconnected or that you experienced a loss of internet access. Teachers will understand the situation and make accommodations to assist you.
- Screen Shot Canvas Assignment Details: Students, screen shot Canvas assignments so that you can access assignment details. You can still work on assignments using Notability offline and submit them once internet connectivity resumes.
The Administrative Team